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Writing by the Water

Funeral & Memorial Testimonials


I am truly humbled by the beautiful letters, emails and cards I have received over the years from families I’ve worked with.  Here are a few:


“Thanks for capturing the essence of mum and all your work to make this a memorable day.”


“Thank you so much for being a part of my mum’s life and making such a difference to her and to all of us.  Never doubt the joy, comfort and ease you give to others.”


“I would just like to sincerely thank you for the service on Monday. The tribute to dad was very special.”


“Just a note to thank you for all your help in preparing dad’s funeral.  I feel he would have liked it very much.”


“I can’t thank you enough for all your help with our celebration of Dad’s life. Having you there made it somehow easier and more personal- what a relief that was.”


“Thank you so much for your services in conducting mum’s memorial. I'm so pleased with how the day turned out. It was just as I had planned and imagined with mum. Your speech was such a great thing for me, as I would not have had the strength to talk myself yet was able to communicate my feelings and memories through you.”

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